The Coffee Can Investing Method: How to Invest for a Better Future Hindi and English

निवेश करें एक बेहतर भविष्य के लिए: कॉफ़ी कैन इन्वेस्टिंग का तरीका
coffee can investing strategy 
का मतलब है कि आप शेयर बाजार में ऐसे कंपनियों के शेयर खरीदते हैं जो लंबे समय से अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रही हैं, और उन्हें कम से कम **10 साल** तक रखते हैं। यह एक **कम जोखिम** का तरीका है, जिससे आप काफी पैसा कमा सकते हैं।

इसका नाम coffee can investing इसलिए पड़ा है, क्योंकि पुराने समय में लोग अपनी कीमती चीजें **कॉफी के डिब्बों** में छुपाकर मत्रास के नीचे रखते थे, और कई सालों तक उन्हें भूल जाते थे।

"Coffee can investing"
 is a long-term investment approach that entails selecting high-quality firms and keeping them for a lengthy period of time, generally 10 years or more. The term "coffee can" relates to the notion of purchasing a company's stock and then "burying it" in a coffee can, forgetting about it for years and allowing it to appreciate in value.

Investment manager Robert G. Kirby popularised the method in India in the 1990s after seeing that some of his best-performing investments were in firms that he had held onto for many years without selling. These businesses often have excellent financials, high-quality management, and a long-term competitive edge.

The concept behind coffee can investment is that by retaining high quality.

The theory behind coffee can investing is that by hanging onto high-quality firms for an extended period of time, you may profit from the compounding impact of growth and earnings. You can also avoid the expenses and dangers associated with regular trading, such as transaction fees and taxes.

It is crucial to remember, however, that this method necessitates patience and a long-term outlook, as the value of your investments may vary over shorter time periods. Furthermore, it is critical to carefully research and select high-quality companies to invest in, as not all companies will perform well in the long run.

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